I met an Arequipan the other day who joked that he had to get out of town evry few months and head up to Lima or somewhere else to realise he was still alive and not in the movie “Groundhog Day”. Constant, constant, constant perfect dry sunshine here in the desert continues day after day, with not so much as a breath of wind. Lazy Sunday pics around old Arequipa Little girl on Grau bridge over the river Chilli Arequipa Centro San Lazzaro (Pasaje Violin) Ally at yet another Bolognesi statue Postcard on window sill in Arequipa Centro
Francisco Bolognesi Cervantes statue, Tacna Peru. Bolognesi was a Peruvian military hero during the War of the Pacific allied with Bolivia against Chile. He pops up just about everywhere here..pretty popular bloke. Tacna, Peru is a quirky little border town Tacna Enroute Chile to Peru via the driest desert in the world, The Atacama. Oldsmobile "collectivo" crossing from Chile (Arica) to Peru (Tacna) Ally signing off at Chile/Peru border
My apologies for such a lengthy delay in transmission but your intrepid traveller got a bit too confident and not too fussy with his $1.20 - 3 course, set menu lunches here in our temp home in Arequipa. Contaminated fruit and veg thought to be the culprit
How is this road coming just across the Argentina/Chile border? Its a freaky ride round these bends. This is where Portillo Ski Resort sits and is about 2 hours from Santiago, Chile. They are obviously still awaiting the first real dump of snow for the season.