La Recoleta is a Franciscan monastery near our place in Yanahuara and was built in 1647 and is a cool little refuge from the buzz of Arequipa and not an overly popular tourist attraction. Inside it's sillar walls are many exhibits as well as several cloisters and a religious art museum, a pre-Colombian room contains ceramics and textiles produced by cultures who inhabited the Arequipa area. There is museum of Amazon exploration featuring many artifacts, stuffed animals as well as photos of early Franciscan missionaries in the Amazon. Probably the coolest part is the dim, pokey and dusty library with 20000 books dating back to the 16th Century. Ran the battery low so not too many pics.



Friars quarters
Brendan, just caught up on your blog. As always love the photos and I do believe your writing is taking on a more artistic bent. Very nice. Keep up the good work amigo. Look forward to seeing you in Lima again.